
Dental impression and models Redcliffe John Street

There are many reasons to why a dentist will take an impression.  Anyone of the following could be a reason to have one taken.

Orthodontics impressions will get taken for study models and to help fit retainers as well as or for plates to help straighten you teeth or correct your bite.

For dentures, you will have a few impressions taken of your teeth throughout the treatment process but it is all worth it in the end.

For restorative treatments like bridges, crowns  and veneers: again you may have a couple of impressions taken for these but well worth it again.

Whitening trays or mouth guards.

So what is an impression, it is a negative print of either the top or bottom arch that is taken with and alginate material (a powder and water mixed together)that is placed into trays that fit within your mouth. The alginate material should have no flavor and is quick setting so that it eliminates some of the discomfort.

The other impression material we use is a heavy body, it is a rubber base material and does take a little longer to set. This is mostly used for crown work.

From the impression we can send it off to another lab that will make the model of the teeth for what treatment is needing to be completed. The model is a positive impression of the teeth that allows the dentist or lab technician to prepare the denture, crown, mouth guard etc.

When getting the impressions done there will be mild discomfort as some people have a sensitive gag reflex but if you know this and asking to sit up will help prevent that or by breathing through your nose also helps.  You may have little pieces left in your mouth but rinsing it afterwards will help remove them and you may have some left on your lips or just outside of your mouth. I can promise you it is not painful.

If you are interested in having one of our friendly dentist see you make an online booking or call on ph 3284 4281