

Your Redcliffe Dentist, John Street Dental want to talk about plaque

Some interesting facts about plaque….

Plaque never stops accumulating.  If we take a break from brushing and flossing this will continue until tartar appears and then it cannot be removed with your toothbrush.

The bacteria in plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease if not regularly removed through brushing and flossing.  This bacteria also uses the sugars in your food to produce acids that eat away tooth enamel.  This process is called gingivitis, which is the early stage of gum disease.

If left undisturbed, plaque reaches a maximum bulk after about seven days. Plaque deposition begins on the visible part of the tooth above the gum line and then can progress into the crevice between the gum and the tooth. Plaque which sits below the gumline has been associated with both  periodontal inflammation and bone loss.

Our tongues can also have plaque present.  It can be controlled by regularly swishing our mouths was warm water, rinsing with non-alcoholic mouthwash and brushing it with a soft bristled toothbrush.

To reduce plaque, certain foods and drinks should be avoided or at least limited.  These include sour lollies, carbonated drinks, citrus, alcohol, potato chips, dried fruit, ice and bread.

Tartar is calcified or hardened plaque which becomes attached to the enamel on your teeth and below the gumline.  It is easy to see and it usually builds up behind your lower front teeth and around our molars.  This is due to the position of our salivary glands and the difficulty with brushing at the back of our mouths.

Only a dentist can remove tartar as your toothbrush and floss can only do so much.  Your Redcliffe Dentist can help you maintain a schedule of dental cleaning to combat the onset of plaque and tartar.

To make an appointment please phone on 07 3284 4281 or book online.