
How To Fix Bad Breath. Your local Redcliffe Dentist Shares How.

We have all experienced bad breath at one time or another, but did you know there are multiple causes and treatments to help reduce it?
Here are some important tips from your local Redcliffe dentist to help reduce the risk:
Our mouth is covered with bacteria, especially at the back of the tongue. The most common cause of bad breath is insufficient brushing or flossing.
When we don’t brush properly food particles tend to set up camp on our tongue, between the teeth and on our gums allowing bacteria that is already in your mouth to begin to break down those particles releasing chemicals that have a potent  smell. Plaque on your teeth can also build up and if not removed through regular brushing will give off an odor that affects your breath.
Tooth decay, periodontal disease or mouth sores including recently extracted teeth can also be the cause to having bad breath. Other causes such as dry mouth or wearing dentures that don’t get cleaned enough can also cause bad odors. Additionally,  infections in the throat or lungs, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diet, medications, digestive system and other systemic issues can also be the culprit to smelly breath.
The best way to combat bad breath is to maintain a good oral hygiene regime. This will help to limit the amount of plaque build up from our food as well as  reduce the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. Keep on top of it by using floss as well as brushing your teeth and tongue (especially towards the back where most of the bacteria lives)  at least twice a day and it will help to reduce bad breath.
If you wear dentures, take them out at night and brush them thoroughly with a denture cleanser before putting them back in the next morning.
Chewing sugar-free gum helps stimulate salivary flow if you are a sufferer of dry mouth.
The team here at John Street Dental are always there to help so if you require treatment or guidance, please make an appointment by calling us on 3284 4281 or booking online at