
Pregnancy and Your Teeth! All you need to know by your local community Redcliffe Dentist.

Pregnancy is an especially important time to take extra care of your teeth and gums!

Ever heard an old wives tale “you lose a tooth for every pregnancy”, well this isn’t true and 100% avoidable, all you need to do is maintain a good oral hygine regime to ensure the health of your teeth and gums during this exciting period.Laughing

During pregnancy a woman’s hormone balance is altered and as a result your gums can become susceptable to such issues as:

  • Redness of the gums, including bleeding when brushing
  • Increased sensitivity.

This can be preventable by simply:

  • Using a fluoridated toothpaste and brushing with extra care along the gum line.
  • Flossing each day.
  • Maintain a good healthy diet.
  • Avoid frequent snacking especially on high sugar snacks.
  • Regular checkups and cleans at the Dentists.
  • Increase your calcium intake.

With proper hygine at home, and professional help from your local community Redcliffe Dentist your teeth should remain healthy throughout your pregnancy and beyond!

All the Dentist’s and staff at John Street Dental your local Redcliffe Dentists would like to wish the best of luck to our senior Dental Assistant Heidee Montieth who is expecting who first child in a matter of weeks!