
Dental emergencies from your local Redcliffe Dentist


Life happens, you can you can chip, crack, loosen or lose a tooth by playing sports without a mouth guard, biting down on something hard, grinding your teeth, having a fall…these are some of the  common ways…  The steps you take following such a dental emergency are very important to the best outcome, but generally as a rule it’s imperative to see a dentist as soon as possible.

What to do if you Completely Knock Out an Adult Tooth…

In the unfortunate incident that you knock out a tooth, to ensure the best outcome, “replant” an adult tooth within 5 minutes of it being knocked out.  This is because the body will still recognize the tooth as its own, rather than a “graft,” and ligaments that attach the tooth to the surrounding bone are present on the root surface and can potentially reattach.  Keep in mind that factors such as the injured person’s age can also affect the outcome in this situation.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Carefully rinse the tooth root in cold tap or bottled water to remove any debris.  Make sure to hold the tooth by the crown — the white enamel portion. (Avoid touching the root surface itself.)
  2. Replant the tooth carefully, ensuring its facing the correct way, firmly insert into the socket.
  3. Apply sustained, firm pressure.
  4. If immediate re-plantation is not possible, be sure to control the bleeding with pressure, keep the tooth in the patient’s own saliva (for example between the cheek and gums if the patient is old enough to be trusted not to swallow the tooth) or cold milk or water to keep it from drying out.
  5. See a dentist ASAP!

Make an appointment on line today at your local Redcliffe Dentist