
John Street Dental says- Its never too late to get braces!


The Australian Society of Orthodontists states that more than one-third of Australian adults are unhappy with the appearance of their smiles and that more than 60 percent of adults have considered treatment to align their teeth at some stage.  However, many adults worry about the visibility or embarrassment of braces and the time commitment required for treatment.

Many consider braces to only be suitable for teenagers, but that’s a thing of the past. As we age, misaligned teeth and the bite conditions known as malocclusions often grow more noticeable over time. Teeth that are crooked, crowded, or protrude can affect the way your teeth look and your bite – how your top and bottom teeth fit together.  A bad bite can make it difficult to chew some foods and may cause some teeth to wear down. It can also lead to muscle tension in the jaw and facial pain.

These days, with the advancements in the more discreet straightening options more and more adults are deciding to go down the orthodontic path for straighter teeth and a great self esteem boost.  At John Street Dental we can help you with these orthodontic options.  From traditional wire braces through to invisible clear Invisalign aligners.  Invisalign retainers are strong, virtually invisible, hard plastic aligners designed to move your teeth in tiny increments. Each set of aligners are replaced with a new set every two weeks until your desired result is achieved.  Unlike fixed metal braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed so you can eat and maintain a thorough oral health routine.

For information on orthodontic treatment for you or your children, contact John Street Dental and schedule a consultation appointment today.Online booking available:  Online bookings