
John Street Dental talks about the importance of Baby Teeth


All children are different, but most have a full set of 20 primary baby teeth by the age of 3.  Baby teeth are only temporary but they are still very important for the health and well being of your child.  They help to chew, speak and smile.  They also hold space in the jaws for permanent adult teeth that are developing under the gums.  So if a child looses their baby tooth too early, sometimes due to decay, it may cause the erupting adult tooth to be crooked or crowded, which can lead to expensive orthodontic treatment or other problems later in life because crowded teeth are much harder to keep clean.  So starting infants off with good oral care is imperative as it will will help to protect their teeth for the rest of their lives.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s baby teeth, make an appointment with one of the friendly John Street Dentists today.

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