
confusion about smoking

How smoking really affects your teeth – According to your Local Redcliffe Dentist!

We know smoking  is bad for our health, but what is the real cost of smoking for your teeth?

Although numbers of smokers have dropped  over recent years due to rising costs and increased awareness of health risks,  there are still a large number of people who are at risk of the repercussions of smoking on their oral health.

Yellow staining and bad breath are the most obvious oral health characteristics of smokers.

Smoking causes stickier plaque resulting in an increase in plaque and tartar build up on the teeth.

There are several more serious potential outcomes and risks of smoking that include –

Dry Mouth symptoms are prevalent in the mouths of smokers as the nicotine in tabacco reduces saliva flow.  This reduced saliva flow leaves the teeth more vunerable to tooth decay.

Your mouth’s ability to fight off infection– smoking leaves your teeth defenseless against fighting off bacteria, which is then left to thrive, grow and fester.  This means more plaque, more tartar and more bacteria.

Smoking greatly affects your gum health,  as smokers are twice the risk of having gum diseasthan non-smokers.  This is due to the mouth not being able to fight bacteria.

Periodontitis is the most severe example of gum disease – teeth can become loose, and either require extraction or fall out on their own.

Delayed healing is also prevalent in smokers.  This occurs when a wound (post extraction) or an infection in the mouth takes longer to heal.

The risk of developing Oral Cancer increases when smoking is combined with increased alcohol intake.  The signs and symptoms of oral cancers can appear, but unfortunately often go unnoticed.  The earlier the cancer is detected, the better the prognosis.  Seeing your Local Redcliffe Dentists at John Street Dental for regular 6monthly checkups will ensure that any suspicious signs or symptoms in the mouth will be investigated.

Obviously the best way to minimise the damage to your oral health is to stop smoking.

Your Local Redcliffe Dentists at John Street Dental are here to help you with the effects of smoking on your oral health.  Call us today on 32844281 for an appointment or Book Online

happy mouth