
What is a dry socket?? From your local Redcliffe Dentist

dry socket

Here at John Street Dental we always endeavor to save teeth, extraction is often a last resort.  Dry socket is a post operative condition that can occur within three days after a tooth extraction where a blood clot falls out of the socket prematurely, most commonly in wisdom teeth removal . However dry sockets are rare and only occur in a about 5 percent of all tooth extractions.  Without a sufficient blood clot following a tooth extraction, the bone underneath is exposed, which can be extremely painful.  It is imperative to keep a blood clot in the socket until healing has occurred and the bone has a chance to fill the socket.  A dry socket causes radiating pain up and down the face and extreme temperature sensitivity when drinking cold liquid or even breathing in cold air. Although it may be uncomfortable it is easily treatable.  If effected your dentist will address the dry socket by flushing it out with a chlorhexidine rinse and packing it with a medicated, soothing dressing which will alleviate the pain almost immediately and kick start the healing process once again.

Things to avoid for approx 3 days after a tooth extraction to avoid dry socket:

  • Drinking from a straw, or any sort of sucking action
  • Vigorous activity such as exercise
  • Smoking
  • Vigorous swishing with liquid
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Coughing and sneezing

Follow all your dentist’s recommended follow up care after your tooth extraction to avoid any complications.

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