
Your Local Dental Surgery- John Street Dental talks about how to maintain Good Oral Health

Vector illustration. Dental concept for your design. Illustration for children dentistry and orthodontics. Cute teeth characters.

Taking care of your teeth and gums and having good oral health and seeing your dentist on a regular basis is KEY to keeping your teeth well into your old age.  A big contributing factor to this also is the foods and drinks that you consume.

We recommend that people should visit their Dentist every 6 months for a check up and professional cleaning.  This is to ensure that any build up of tartar or calculus on the teeth is removed.  Tartar that forms, usually around the necks of the teeth, if left too long can form a sort of biological concrete that no amount of brushing at home can remove.  If this “concrete” is left on the teeth for too long it can lead to gum problems such as bleeding irritated gums, localized gingivitis or more seriously, eventually periodontal (gum) disease.

In the 6 monthly check the Dentist will also check your teeth for early signs of decay, taking mouth X-rays every two years to check the unseen areas in between the teeth.  Furthermore a topically applied in chair flu0ride treatment will be recommended to help keep the enamel of your teeth strong and help prevent decay from forming.

But REMEMBER going to the dentist is only part of keeping on top of good oral health-  What you do at home on a daily basis is the most important of all!

The goal of regular home care is to fight the build up of plaque in and around your teeth and gums in-between dentist visits in the fight against bleeding gums, decay and bad breath. Brushing your teeth twice a day (generally after breakfast and before bed) is a must.  Flossing your teeth daily is a very important habit to develop also.  (Flossing removes any plaque or food debris in between your teeth where your brush cannot reach.)

There is a HUGE range of dental product out there to help you in you clean your teeth.  From standard manual tooth brushes through to electric/ battery operated tooth brushes, mouth wash, floss, water picks, inter dental brushes/picks, tongue scrapers……..and the list goes on- Ask your friendly John Street Dental Dentist what they recommend for you.

So basically see your local dentist for regular check ups and cleans and brush and floss on a daily basis and importantly do it correctly!  (If you are not sure if you are doing it correctly or for any hints or tips ask your dentist to show you how.

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